I think one of my favorite stories about Jesus is the wedding at Cana in John 2. The whole thing is fantastic. All the little details and the feel that you get from the scene which allows you to fill the blank spots with your imagination. 

First, how many of us think about Jesus as being someone who goes to parties? It’s not the usual image that pops into most people’s heads. Why? Because so many of his followers would be so uncomfortable in such an environment. Could you imagine many church people being at a party where the booze was being drunk in such quantity that it ran out? Of course not. Christian parties are typically dry. Yet, here’s Jesus at a wedding feast where the party was going so hard they ran out of wine!

Second, the whole interaction with Mary. She just ignores him and rolls over him as though he didn’t even speak. Not to mention him being be a bit annoyed by her, “Woman…” They have such a normal mother/son interaction, it’s just brilliant storytelling by John. 

So often the focus of the story is set on the miraculous turning of water into wine. In the church world people use this passage for arguing over whether or not it’s OK for Christians to drink alcohol. There are rabid discussions about what’s happening and what does “wine” mean. 

As I consider what it means to be the church, the miracle is kind of like a plate of baby carrots next to homemade ranch dip. The carrots simply function as a means by which to get ranch dip into my mouth. The miracle is the means by which something more is displayed. 

What absolutely had to be true for this miracle to take place? 

Jesus had to be present. 

Jesus was not hanging out in the synagogue. He wasn’t offering sacrifice at Temple. No, Jesus was at the wedding feast. He was present at the party. 

Jesus had just begun his public ministry. He was just baptized by John and had just called his first disciples. Now, on the “third day” he shows up to a wedding. It doesn’t seem like that would be high on the agenda for a would-be Messiah. If he were following the church growth launch-large model my guy would have pulled off some huge public miracle in the center of town or done some preaching. But not Jesus. He shows up in the neighborhood for the party (and yes does a miracle but does so behind the scenes). 

For me, the big part of this story is that Jesus was present in the neighborhood and was present with his disciples. He modeled for them this presence. 

Too many pastors spend most of their time in the office and church building. People have to come to them. Very few show up to the bonfires and cookouts and are present in their neighborhood. Too many of us are not modeling life outside the church building. 

The church is to be centered on presence. We are to be the people that show up in our neighborhood. 

Jesus put this on display and said it the best, “…be in the world…” 

In other words, go to the party.