Auto-generated description: A glass of light beer sits on a wooden table in a bar setting.

Tap Room Tuesady 9/24/2024

The crew was gathered around some deep fried food and cold beers for a conversation about what makes a good citizen. The buzz about the Tigers was growing. The dad jokes from Major Tom flowed. It was a pretty great night!

The Recap

We began the evening discussing what movie or TV Show do you wish you could watch again for the first time. This provided for some good laughs and some great recommendations. Cheers, Big Bang Theory, The Office, and the Fifth Element were notable responses. A fun little trivia bit is that Major Tom’s brother was a producer on Cheers. How cool is that?

As we took a deep dive into the question on what makes a good citizen, there was an interesting differentiation that came about: being a good person and a good citizen are not necessarily the same thing. Yet, some of the things that make for a good citizen definitely cross over into being a good person. That, is a good person could, potentially not be a good citizen. To vote regularly was considered to be of importance in being a good citizen. A few people brought up the importance of integrity and ethical behavior as something that qualifes one for good citizenship. Finally, the question of education came about. How can we ensure an educated electorate? There was no answer, but everyone agreed we are failing miserably to do so.

As the evening continued, we discussed voting and if there should be limits on who gets to vote or if there were qualifications that needed to be enforced to allow someone to vote. It got really interesting when we discussed the issue of unhoused people. To vote, you have to have an address. Yet, many of these people cannot provide one. How can we ensure that people without homes are not disenfranchised? There was some interesting discussion that any requirement you put on voting is ultimately a “poll tax” and as such is not kosher. Some disagreed, arguing that you need some sort of way to ensure that whomever is voting is the one actually voting. We also discussed the question of felons voting. Something that everyone tended to agree with was that certain felonies ought not disqualify but others really should. How to make that distinction? Well, that’s where we ended up punting.

The Reflection

I am so thinkful for the conversations that we are having around the table at the Tap Room. I am learning much and leaving with so much to think about. The people who gather on these Tuesday nights are thoughtful and kind.

When it comes to the question of what makes a good citizen, I think the moral question is foundational. I find that when people seek to act in the best interest of their neighbor it makes them into a good citizen. I’d argue that to be truly moral one is to love their neighbor. Could you imagine if all of us considered the good of our neighbor as our primary responsibility of being a citizen?

One might say that to be a good citizen is to “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Next Up

On October 1, 2024 our topic will be, “Qualified Immunity.” I hope to see you all out for another rousing discussion at the Tap Room!